
The MPA Guide: A framework to achieve global goals for the ocean

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Conservation of sandbar shark breeding habitat in Boncuk Cove Turkey

Conservation of sandbar shark breeding habitat in Boncuk Cove,Turkey

Marine Heatwaves Drive Recurrent Mass Mortalities in the Mediterranean Sea

A novel approach for Mediterranean monk seal conservation: an artificial ledge in a marine cave

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New sites of the endangered Marmaris Salamander, Lyciasalamandra flavimembris from Muğla, Turkey

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Sightings of small delphinids in the southern Çandarlı Bay

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Descriptive Capability of Datasets as Proxy of Sea Water Temperature in Coastal Systems: An Evaluation from the Aegean Sea

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The socio-economic impacts of the silver-cheeked toadfish on small-scale fishers: A comparative study from the Turkish coast

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Length-weight relationships of Glaucostegus cemiculus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) from the Aegean Sea and northeastern Mediterranean coasts of Turkey

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Can opportunistic methodologies provide information on elasmobranchs? A case study from Seas around Turkey

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How could we convince fisheries stakeholders to establish no-take zones? Lessons from small-scale fisheries in Gökova Bay (eastern Mediterranean), Turkey

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Chondrichthyan species as by-catch: A review on species inhabiting Turkish waters

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Assessing population status and conservation of endangered Marmaris salamander, Lycisalamandra flavimembris (Mutz and Steinfartz, 1995), in southwestern Turkey

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